Friday, May 15, 2009

Chocolate Coconut Milk Ice Cream

I saw this recipe on the Nourishing Gourmet and I wanted to make it. So I did! I can't take any credit for this recipe but I wanted to share it!

Here's the recipe!

3 Cups of Unsweetened Coconut Milk (Around two cans)
2/3 Cup of Cocoa Powder
6 Tablespoons of Agave Nectar (Honey would probably work if it was a thin enough honey)
1 Teaspoon of Vanilla Extract

Whisk about a half of a cup of coconut milk with the cocoa powder until well combined. Then combine the rest of the ingredients. Make according to your machine instructions. I did notice with my batch at least it was very liquidy even after it was done. I left mine in the freezer overnight and it was perfect. Very Delicious!

Blueberry Smoothie

I made a variation of my Cherry Chocolate Delicious Shake. Using blueberries, It definitley had a very berry blueberry flavor unlike the Cherry which had more of a chocolate flavor. Very good though!

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Cherry Chocolate Delicious Shake

I made this shake this morning and I was surprised at how delicious it was.

Here's The Recipe!

8 oz. Almond Milk
5 or 6 Frozen Cascadian Farm Organic Cherries
1 Scoop of Jay Robb Egg White Powder Chocolate (Or any Protein Powder that is Chocolate flavored should work too)
2 Cubes of Ice

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Purely Decadent Coconut Milk Products!

These Coconut milk products are fantastic! The Coconut milk yogurt is so delicious. I love the Vanilla and the Blueberry is a very close second. I don't really care for the Strawberry Banana, but try it for yourself!
The Coconut milk Ice cream!!! oh my goodness! This is mostly organic, made with agave. The Mint Chip is my personal favorite. Though the Chocolate is fantastic as well. I haven't tried the Cookie Dough, mainly because it has real sugar in it. There are several other flavors that haven't made it to my grocery store. (I know! I was totally shocked to find these at both of my local publixes!!)
The down of the ice cream is it runs for about ($4.99-$5.29) but I think that's not too bad. I don't typically eat the whole pint. I like having it in the freezer and eating it throughout several days.